Can I Unassign or Reassign my Adobe Vouchers?

Adobe allows for Voucher Reassignments, but it does not allow Unassignments. 

Once your voucher assignment is complete, you cannot unassign a voucher from the candidate and revoke it back into your inventory. However, Adobe does have the option to reassign the voucher from Candidate A to Candidate B.

  • The voucher must be valid. Expired vouchers do not qualify.
  • The voucher can only be in "Issued" status to complete this request. The voucher cannot be in "Issued (Registration Cancelled)" or "Issued (Event Cancelled)"

Only Xvoucher can complete the reassignment. Please submit a support ticket with Xvoucher containing the voucher code, the email address of the candidate it's currently assigned to, and the email address and first and last name of the new candidate you would like the voucher reassigned to. 

***Please note, reassigning a voucher does not extend the voucher expiration date. 

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