Where is my HPE Voucher Code?

There are two different ways to purchase HPE Sales Pro, and only one involves a voucher code. Please review your Invoice or Order Confirmation to see which method you've purchased. 


Option 1 - Purchasing vouchers through the HPE Marketplace. If you purchased a voucher, your order confirmation and invoice will state: Vouchers for HPE Sales Pro.  

  • To access your Voucher Code:
    • You should have received an email from support@xvoucher.com containing the Voucher Code and expiration details.
    • If you cannot access your Voucher Code via email, please follow the instructions below to access it directly from your Xvoucher account that was automatically created upon voucher assignment. 
      • Log into your Xvoucher account.
      • Click on the name of the item on your dashboard.
      • Click on the green Go button.
      • A page will open up with instructions and your voucher code. 


Option 2 - Purchasing the HPE Sales Pro course directly from your HPE Sales Pro Account. If you purchased a Direct Enrollment Course, your order confirmation and invoice will state: HPE Sales Certified - Solution Foundations [2024] OR HPE Sales Certified - Hybrid by Design [2024] depending on the course purchased. 

  • To access your course enrollment: 
    • Go to https://salespro.hpe.com/
    • Log in using your HPE OnePass credentials
    • Once logged in, you will be able to access your course


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