To purchase HPE Certification Exam Vouchers:
- Navigate to the HPE Marketplace
- Choose certification items; add to cart
- You'll be prompted to either create a new account or log in to your existing Xvoucher account.
- Select Payment Method: Credit Card or Wire/PO
- Credit Card orders are approved and vouchers are distributed to your Xvoucher account once you successfully complete the transaction.
- Wire/PO orders will be approved and vouchers distributed into your account once Xvoucher has received the funds.
- On the checkout page, please continue to enter the required details for payment. If paying with a wire/PO please enter the PO number or "N/A"
- Once you have completed your purchase:
- You will receive an email from detailing how to access your new Xvoucher account to begin distributing your certification exam vouchers.
- Or, you can access your account immediately by clicking on Go to My Account.
- If you paid via Wire/PO vouchers will not be released into your account until Xvoucher has received the funds.