How to Purchase HPE Vouchers

To purchase HPE Certification Exam Vouchers: 

  1. Navigate to the HPE Marketplace
  2. Choose certification items; add to cart
  3. You'll be prompted to either create a new account or log in to your existing Xvoucher account. 
  4. Select Payment Method: Credit Card or Wire/PO
    1. Credit Card orders are approved and vouchers are distributed to your Xvoucher account once you successfully complete the transaction. 
    2. Wire/PO orders will be approved and vouchers distributed into your account once Xvoucher has received the funds.
  5. On the checkout page, please continue to enter the required details for payment. If paying with a wire/PO please enter the PO number or "N/A"
  6. Once you have completed your purchase:
    1. You will receive an email from detailing how to access your new Xvoucher account to begin distributing your certification exam vouchers.  
    2. Or, you can access your account immediately by clicking on Go to My Account.
    3. If you paid via Wire/PO vouchers will not be released into your account until Xvoucher has received the funds.

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