With Xvoucher Wallet you can submit one PO to your finance department to cover months of voucher purchases.
If you would like to set up a Wallet, or add funds to an existing Wallet please send in a request here with the following information:
- Company Name
- The amount you would like in the Wallet
- A PO number you would like referenced on the payment requisition (if you have one)
- How you will be paying (wire transfer, credit card, ACH, or check)
Our team will send you an XPR Invoice (Xvoucher Payment Requisition) for the amount requested. Once the invoice has been paid you will receive an email from our team letting you know the funds are in your account and you can begin making purchases!
- Wallets may be used as payment for any products available on any Xvoucher storefront or marketplace. Purchases using Wallet as the payment method incur no transaction fees.
- Wallet Policy for Xvoucher