With our recent menu update, here’s where you can locate important reports:
Orders Report
- Location: Track > Orders
- Details: This report provides a comprehensive overview of all past orders, allowing you to track and review order history and details.
Voucher Usage Report
- Location: Track > Vouchers
- Details: Access a detailed report of supplier vouchers, including the voucher number, expiration date, and status of vouchers that have been assigned or converted.
Inventory Report
- Location: Track > Inventory
- For some costumes this was previously located under Manage > Manage Inventory
- Details: This report offers a detailed view of all vouchers in your inventory. It includes information on voucher assignments, candidate details, and allows you to perform actions like single-assigning vouchers, unassigning (if available for your voucher type), and resending candidate emails.
Wallets Report
- Location: Track > Wallets
- Details: View your wallet balance, track orders placed against your wallet, and view your wallet funds.
Custom Reports
- Location: Track > My Reports
- Details: If you have custom reports available, you’ll find them here for easy access.
This new structure is designed to simplify your workflow and make it easier to find the reports you need. If you need any assistance or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.